Reliable, Fast, and Affordable Solutions for Your Septic System Needs

Northern Colorado's Trusted Septic Pumping Experts

Making the Septic Pumping Process Simple and Easy

Why Choose PRS Septic Solutions for Septic Pumping?

When will you know it’s time for a septic pump? Unfortunately, septic tanks have a limited capacity, so eventually you will need a septic pumping service. Have you ever checked the tank yourself? It’s not a fun process, and most people aren’t sure what they’re looking for. However, it’s most common to schedule pump-outs every 3-5 years, depending on the occupancy of the home.

Communication is key and our team at PRS Septic is ready to go above and beyond in our service of your septic tank. If we notice any issues or concerns, they will be brought to your attention. Regardless of the system’s age, we will make it a priority to ensure it’s running as property as we can. Not sure you need a septic cleaning? These are some tell tale signs:

Let us Get Started Right Away.


Our streamlined process makes septic pumping easy. Our team performs careful and intentional steps to ensure that each pump is effortless, accurate, and reliable.

Contact Us

Submit your info via our form or call directly to schedule an appointment.

Visual Inspection

A tech will arrive for a visual inspection of the area and check the levels


The tech will measure sludge and scum layers to determine the extent of buildup and how much pumping will be required.

Pump Time

Our tech will position the truck and vacuum in a secure area and begin pumping.

Final Inspection

Perform a final inspection and test the system by running water and observing the drainage into the system.


Your time is precious, so hire the experts in septic pumping in northern Colorado. Our service is as simple as one, two, three.


Call Us

You’ll talk to a real, local person who will listen and help determine your needs.



We can work around your schedule to get a time that’s appropriate for you.


Rest Easy

Have confidence that the PRS Septic team will handle every single aspect of the process smoothly.


What is a septic system?

A septic system is a small onsite sewage treatment and disposal system buried in the ground in which waste matter is decomposed through bacterial action.

How do septic systems work?

1. Household waste flows out of the house via a connecting pipe to the primary chamber of the tank. Organic solid material floats to the surface and forms a layer of what is commonly called “scum.” Bacteria in the septic tank biologically convert this material to liquid (effluent.) Inorganic or inert solid materials and the byproducts of bacterial digestion sink to the bottom of the tank and a form a layer commonly known as “sludge.”

2. As the primary chamber of the septic tank fills up, this digested material or effluent flows though a connecting pipe to a secondary chamber. This is where the final settling and digestion process in the tank takes place. From the secondary chamber, the effluent passes through an outlet pipe into the leach field for the final purification process. Only clear water (effluent) should exist between the scum and sludge layers. It is this clear water (effluent) and only this clear water that should overflow into the soil absorption area.

How do I know if my septic system is unhealthy?

There are a few ways to tell if your system has become unhealthy. If you notice any of these symptoms, call PRS immediately, before it gets worse!
• Sewage is backing up into your toilets, sinks, or showers.
•The household drains are draining slowly, especially after it has rained.
•You notice a sewage smell in the leach field or the nearby area.
•You see sewage in ditches or the soil is very soggy (even when it hasn’t rained) in your leach field.
•Water tests in nearby streams or ponds test positive for biological contamination or organic chemical contamination.
•There is an alarm in your house that is flashing which means the septic tank needs attention. (Some (Some systems have alarms, some don’t-it depends on when it was installed and what type of system you have.)
•There is sewage seeping up from the septic tank or vault lid.

How do care for my septic system?

Septic system maintenance means two simple things. First, the sludge that accumulates in the bottom of the tank must be pumped out periodically. How frequently depends on the size of the tank, the use it gets, and the condition of the system. There is no additive that you can put in the tank that will deal with the sludge. IT MUST BE PUMPED. If not pumped, the sludge will eventually overflow into the soil-absorption area. This will clog the system, and it will need to be replaced, at enormous expense and

The second part of septic system maintenance involves the bacteria necessary for the digestion of the solids. If bacteria-killing products are used in the home as they usually are the bacteria should be replenished. If the bacteria level is too low, the solids may not be digested properly causing the solids to build up too much and overflow into the soil absorption area. This
again can clog the system, requiring repair or replacement. Use only USDA approved bacteria replenishment products that are engineered specifically for septic tank maintenance.

Do you have any suggestions for maintaining my septic system?

If you are new to Septic Systems or you just need a refresher on the ins and outs of the whole process, take advantage of this free bulletin from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.

It’s actually well written and good to have on hand when you need to know something specific about your septic system whatever state you’re in.

How often should get my tank pumped?

Frequency of pumping depends on the capacity of the tank and the number of people in the house. If your house has a standard 1,250-gallon tank and you have 3 to 4 people, the tank must be pumped every 2 to 3 years.

Note: if a you use a garbage disposal, it’s like adding another person to the equation and accelerates the buildup of sludge.

What does pumping a septic tank entail?

Pumping involves vacuuming the wastewater sludge and scum out of the tank chambers with a large tank truck equipped a with a high-capacity vacuum pump system. The waste is then transported to a designated municipal wastewater treatment facility for processing. In some rural areas, septic tank contents can be applied directly to the land if treated properly.

How long do septic systems last?

With proper septic tank maintenance, your system should last between 20 and 30 years.

I'm thinking of buying a house, what should I know about its septic system?

It is recommended to have a licensed technician or plumber inspect the tank and leach field before you close on a property. In Larimer County, a septic tank inspection is required before title can transfer. Regular maintenance is a good idea, as replacing a unit can cost anywhere between $10,000 to $20,000.

Do you have a question not answered here?

Give us a call to talk with one of our personable staff. You’ll reach a live, local person not a call center in another state!

We are happy to talk through all of your septic system needs and questions.

Call 970-834-1275

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